Worship is Sunday at 10am.
We are located just inside the southern edge of the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, just north of County Road 4 in Orrock. The current church was formed from two predecessor churches more than 50 years ago, but we have a history in this place that goes back over 150 years. We are not large in numbers, but strong in spirit, and people frequently comment on the friendly atmosphere here. Our mission is to be a presence for God where we are and to act in fellowship with other Lutherans and other Christians throughout the world. We gather to hear the Word of God, to receive the sacraments, to share our faith with each other and to prepare ourselves to witness for Christ in our daily lives. We have a very productive (and fun) quilting circle, and special events occasionally throughout the year. Although our resources are somewhat limited, we love to help out people in need as we are able. If you know of someone (or are someone) in need of help, contact the pastor or another leader of the congregation so we can arrange for a way to offer help. We would love to have you visit, share in worship with us, and learn more about us.